Originally from South Africa, Johnny has always had a deep appreciation for birds and nature. His very first birding memory, from the year before he went to school, is seeing an African Green-Pigeon in South Africa’s Kruger National Park, where his family spent many childhood vacations. It was also during this time that Johnny learnt to read…from a bird guide. Since then, he has birded on six continents, became an eBird reviewer for 10 different countries, and taught numerous students how to band birds.
When not birding or guiding, Johnny is an avid conservation ecologist. The highlight of his conservation career is writing Africa's first conservation biology textbook (www.consbio.africa). A close second is spending 13 months on uninhabited Gough Island in the South Atlantic Ocean, where he was employed by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds to combat predatory invasive mice that were decimating the island's seabird colonies.