Steve Shultz

In 1995 Steve heard a curious “Drink your teaaaa!” emanating from a dense shrubbery in Shenandoah National Park. Armed with a field guide to Eastern forests, but no binoculars, he attached a name to the song: Rufous-sided Towhee (now Eastern Towhee). And a lifelong passion was ignited. Later that week in Chincoteague, Virginia, Steve found a checklist of birds found in the refuge. The stamp collection went into storage and Steve began “collecting” birds instead. Now living in Raleigh, North Carolina with partner Susan Campbell, Steve enjoys leading birding adventures locally, on weekend trips to the Carolinas and Virginia, domestically to hotspots including Arizona, Texas, California, and the Rocky Mountains, and internationally. Steve feels that birding leads to travel, and travel enriches our lives in ways beyond adding new sightings to the list.
When not out birding, Steve is often out fishing with his son, Zachary. Zachary has grown up unafflicted by the birding bug, but loves to fish, and keep both a life list and a year list of species caught. All fish are catch and release.