Suriname’s Fabulous

Guianan Endemics

Gray-winged Trumpeter by Simon Thompson

November 18-30, 2024

Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture by Simon Thompson

Your place on this Venture is reserved with your completed registration and deposit of $700/person are submitted. Deposit may be made via the ‘book now’ button above, or by contacting the Ventures office. We accept credit cards for an additional fee (2.9% for MC, Visa, Discover; 3.9% for AmEx), but you may also pay by bank transfer via our website. If paying by cash, check, or money order (payable to ‘VENTURES BIRDING’), please mail in your payment with a paper registration form to PO Box 1095, Skyland, NC 28776, or contact our office. This Venture is limited to 10 participants.
Cost of Suriname’s Fabulous Guianan Endemics Birding Venture $3,595 from Paramaribo, based on double occupancy. $550 - single supplement Price includes: Ground transportation in Suriname, all meals, all taxes, entrance fees, trip information packet, bird list, and Ventures leader and driver and guide service throughout Not included: Flight to Paramaribo, Suriname, alcoholic beverages, laundry, gratuities and items of a personal nature.

Suriname is located on the northeastern Atlantic coast of South America, within the Guianan endemic zone, one of the most biodiverse regions in the world. With a total population of fewer than 700,000 people (and nearly all of that restricted to the coastline), much of the country remains wild and undeveloped – a true, natural paradise! Tropical forest predominates in the center of the country with mangroves bordering the coastline and grassy savannas in the south. This diversity of habitats means a great list of birds that we can see during our 13-day tour, with over 350 species expected. We hope to see such iconic birds as the Capuchinbird, Crimson Topaz, Crimson Fruitcrow, Pompadour Cotinga, Guianan Red-Cotinga, Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock, Guianan Toucanet, Rose-breasted Chat, and even Harpy Eagle, among many others!

Culturally, Suriname is extremely diverse with a Dutch flair and language. The food is good and the people very friendly. The capital Paramaribo is crowded with old wooden buildings and colonial architecture and is perfect for a walk to enjoy the Caribbean atmosphere of this tiny country.

Suriname is extremely diverse with a Dutch flair and language to the culture. The capital Paramaribo is crowded with old wooden buildings and colonial architecture and is perfect for a walk to enjoy the Caribbean atmosphere of this tiny country.

If you love birding in South America, then you will love this tour! Join Simon and explore all that Suriname has to offer.

Some of the Birds We Hope to See

Marail Guan, Rufescent Tiger-Heron, Scarlet Ibis, King Vulture, Harpy Eagle, Rufous Crab Hawk, Gray-winged Trumpeter, Black-banded Owl, Green-tailed Goldenthroat, Crimson Topaz, Guianan Trogon, Guianan Puffbird, Bronzy and Paradise Jacamar, Black-necked and Guianan Toucanet, Golden-spangled and Arrowhead Piculet, Blood-colored Woodpecker, Lilac-tailed Parrotlet, Caica Parrot, five species of Macaw, Black-crowned and Band-tailed Antshrike, Guianan Warbling-Antbird, Ferruginous-backed Antbird, Cinnamon-throated, Chestnut-trumped and Guianan Woodcreepers, Point-tailed Palmcreeper, McConnell’s Flycatcher, Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant, Guianan Cock-of-the-rock, Crimson Fruitcrow, Capuchinbird, Pompadour Cotinga, Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin, six species of Manakin, Dusky Purpletuft, Cayenne Jay, Blue-backed Tanager, and Burnished-buff Tanager among others.